Source code for susy_cross_section.utility

"""Utility functions and classes.

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`Unit`         describing a physical unit.
`value_format` give human-friendly string representation of values.
`get_paths`    parse and give paths to data and info files
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function  # py2

import itertools
import logging
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from numpy import log10

from susy_cross_section.config import table_paths

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:  # py2
    str = basestring  # noqa: A001, F821
    FileNotFoundError = OSError  # noqa: A001, F821

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PathLike = Union[str, pathlib.Path]
TypeSpecType = Optional[Union[type, Sequence[type]]]

[docs]class Unit: """A class to handle units of physical values. This class handles units associated to physical values. Units can be multiplied, inverted, or converted. A new instance is equivalent to the product of `!*args`; each argument can be a str, a Unit, or a float (as a numerical factor). Parameters ---------- *args: float, str, or Unit Factors of the new instance. """ definitions = { "": [1], "%": [0.01], "pb": [1000, "fb"], } # type: Mapping[str, List[Union[float, str]]] """:typ:`dict[str, list of (float or str)]`: The replacement rules of units. This dictionary defines the replacement rules for unit conversion. Each key should be replaced with the product of its values.""" @classmethod def _get_base_units(cls, name): # type: (Union[float, str])->List[Union[float, str]] """Expand the unit name to the base units. Parameters ---------- name: float or str The unit name to be expanded, or possibly a numerical factor. Returns ------- list[float or str] Expansion result as a list of factors and base unit names. """ if isinstance(name, str) and name in cls.definitions: nested = [cls._get_base_units(u) for u in cls.definitions[name]] return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(nested)) # flatten else: return [name] def __init__(self, *args): # type: (Union[float, str, Unit])->None self._factor = 1 # type: float self._units = {} # type: MutableMapping[str, int] for u in args: self *= u
[docs] def inverse(self): # type: ()->Unit """Return an inverted unit. Returns ------- Unit The inverted unit of `!self`. """ result = Unit() result._factor = 1 / self._factor result._units = {k: -v for k, v in self._units.items()} return result
[docs] def __imul__(self, other): # type: (Union[float, str, Unit])->Unit """Multiply by another unit. Parameters ---------- other: float, str, or Unit Another unit as a multiplier. """ if isinstance(other, Unit): self._factor *= other._factor for k, v in other._units.items(): self._units[k] = self._units.get(k, 0) + v else: for b in self._get_base_units(other): if isinstance(b, str): self._units[b] = self._units.get(b, 0) + 1 else: try: self._factor *= float(b) except ValueError: raise TypeError("invalid unit: %s", other) return self
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): # type: (Union[float, str, Unit])->Unit """Return products of two units. Parameters ---------- other: float, str, or Unit Another unit as a multiplier. Returns ------- Unit The product. """ return Unit(self, other)
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): # type: (Union[float, str, Unit])->Unit """Return division of two units. Parameters ---------- other: float, str, or Unit Another unit as a divider. Returns ------- Unit The quotient. """ return Unit(self, Unit(other).inverse())
[docs] def __float__(self): # type: ()->float """Evaluate as a float value if this is a dimension-less unit. Returns ------- float The number corresponding to this dimension-less unit. Raises ------ ValueError If not dimension-less unit. """ if any(v != 0 for v in self._units.values()): raise ValueError("Unit conversion error: %s, %s", self._units, self._factor) return float(self._factor)
[docs]def value_format(value, unc_p, unc_m, unit=None, relative=False): # type: (float, float, float, Optional[str], bool)->str """Return human-friendly text of an uncertainty-accompanied value. Parameters ---------- value: float Central value. unc_p: float Positive-direction absolute uncertainty. unc_m: float Negative-direction absolute uncertainty. unit: str, optional Unit of the value and the uncertainties. relative: bool Whether to show the uncertainties in relative. Returns ------- str Formatted string describing the given value. """ delta = min(abs(unc_p), abs(unc_m)) suffix = " {}".format(unit) if unit else "" # will be appended to the body. if relative: return "{:g}{} +{:.2%} -{:.2%}".format( value, suffix, unc_p / value, abs(unc_m) / value ) if delta == 0: # without uncertainty body = "{:g} +0 -0".format(value) else: v_order = int(log10(value)) if abs(v_order) > 3: # force to use scientific notation suffix = "*1e{:d}".format(v_order) + suffix divider = 10 ** v_order disp_digits = max(int(-log10(delta / value) - 0.005) + 2, 3) else: divider = 1 disp_digits = max(int(-log10(delta) - 0.005) + (1 if delta > 1 else 2), 0) v_format = "{f} +{f} -{f}".format(f="{{:.{}f}}".format(disp_digits)) body = v_format.format(value / divider, unc_p / divider, abs(unc_m / divider)) return "({}){}".format(body, suffix) if suffix else body
[docs]def get_paths(data_name, info_path=None): # type: (PathLike, Optional[PathLike])->Tuple[pathlib.Path, pathlib.Path] """Return paths to data file and info file. Parameters ---------- data_name: pathlib.Path or str Path to grid-data file or a table name predefined in configuration. If a file with :ar:`data_name` is found, the file is used. Otherwise, :ar:`data_name` must be a pre-defined table key, or raises KeyError. info_path: pathlib.Path or str, optional Path to info file, which overrides the default setting. The default setting is the grid-file path with suffix changed to ".info". Returns ------- Tuple[pathlib.Path, pathlib.Path] Paths to data file and info file; absolute if preconfigured. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If one of the specified files is not found. """ # check preconfigured grid- and info-paths if isinstance(data_name, pathlib.Path): # if path is specified, do not see the configuration. configured_grid, configured_info = None, None specified_grid = data_name specified_info = pathlib.Path(info_path) if info_path else None else: # here abs path should be calculated for configured (but not for specified) configured_grid, configured_info = table_paths(data_name, absolute=True) specified_grid = pathlib.Path(data_name) specified_info = pathlib.Path(info_path) if info_path else None def check_file(path, err_message, err_info=None): # type: (pathlib.Path, str, Optional[Sequence[str]])->None if not path.is_file(): logger.critical(err_message, path.__str__()) for i in err_info or []: raise FileNotFoundError(path.__str__()) if specified_grid.is_file(): # use specified path. if configured_grid: # warn if the same key found in config. logger.warning( "The file %s is used, ignoring the predefined table %s.", specified_grid.absolute().__str__(), data_name, ) specified_info = specified_info or specified_grid.with_suffix(".info") check_file( specified_info, "Info file %s not found.", ( "It seems that you specified a wrong path for info file." if info_path else "If info-file has a different name, it must be specified." ), ) return specified_grid, specified_info elif configured_grid: # check grid-file check_file( configured_grid, "The preconfigured grid file %s not found.", ["Maybe the susy-cross-section package is broken?"], ) # check info-file; if specified, use it. if specified_info: check_file(specified_info, "The specified info file %s not found.") return configured_grid, specified_info configured_info = configured_info or configured_grid.with_suffix(".info") check_file( configured_info, "The preconfigured info file %s not found.", ["Maybe the susy-cross-section package is broken?"], ) return configured_grid, configured_info else: # grid file not found. logger.critical('The grid file for "%s" not found.', data_name.__str__())"For a preconfigured table, double-check the key of the table.")"If you specified a file-path, verify it exists as a file.") raise FileNotFoundError(data_name.__str__())
[docs]class TypeCheck: """Singleton class for methods to type assertion."""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_list(obj, element_type=None): # type: (Any, TypeSpecType)->bool """Return if obj is a list with elements of specified type. Arguments --------- obj: object to test. element_type: type or list of type, optional Allowed types for elements. Returns ------- bool: Validation result. """ if isinstance(obj, str) or not isinstance(obj, Sequence): return False if element_type is not None: types = element_type if isinstance(element_type, list) else [element_type] for item in obj: if not any(isinstance(item, t) for t in types): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def is_dict(obj, key_type=None, value_type=None): # type: (Any, TypeSpecType, TypeSpecType)->bool """Return if obj is a dict with keys/values of specified type. Arguments --------- obj: object to test. key_type: type or list of type, optional Allowed types for keys. key_type: type or list of type, optional Allowed types for values. Returns ------- bool: Validation result. """ if not isinstance(obj, Mapping): return False kt = vt = None if key_type: kt = key_type if isinstance(key_type, list) else [key_type] if value_type: vt = value_type if isinstance(value_type, list) else [value_type] for k, v in obj.items(): if kt and not any(isinstance(k, t) for t in kt): return False if vt and not any(isinstance(v, t) for t in vt): return False return True