Source code for susy_cross_section.table

"""Classes for annotations to a table.

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CrossSectionAttributes represents physical property of cross section.
Table                  extends `BaseTable` to handle cross-section
                       specific attributes
File                   extends `BaseFile` to carry `Table` objects.
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function  # py2

import logging
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import (  # noqa: F401

import pandas  # noqa: F401

from susy_cross_section.base.table import BaseFile, BaseTable

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:  # py2
    str = basestring  # noqa: A001, F821

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PathLike = Union[pathlib.Path, str]

[docs]class CrossSectionAttributes(object): """Stores physical attributes of a cross section table. These information is intended to be handled by program codes, so the content should be neat, clear, and ready to be standardized. Attributes ---------- processes: list of str The processes included in the cross section values. MadGraph5 syntax is recommended. Definiteness should be best respected. collider: str The type of collider, e.g., ``"pp"``, ``"e+e-"``. ecm: str The initial collision energy with unit. order: str The order of the cross-section calculation. pdf_name: str The name of PDF used in calculation. The `LHAPDF's set name <>`_ is recommended. """ def __init__(self, processes="", collider="", ecm="", order="", pdf_name=""): # type: (Union[str, List[str]], str, str, str, str)->None if not processes: self.processes = [] # type: List[str] elif isinstance(processes, str): self.processes = [processes] else: self.processes = processes self.collider = collider # type: str self.ecm = ecm # type: str # because it is always with units self.order = order # type: str self.pdf_name = pdf_name # type: str
[docs] def validate(self): # type: ()->None """Validate the content. Type is also strictly checked in order to validate info files. Raises ------ TypeError If any attributes are invalid type of instance. ValueError If any attributes have invalid content. """ for attr, typ in [ ("processes", List), ("collider", str), ("ecm", str), ("order", str), ("pdf_name", str), ]: value = getattr(self, attr) if not value: raise ValueError("attributes: %s is empty.", attr) if not isinstance(value, typ): raise TypeError("attributes: %s must be %s", attr, typ) if not all(isinstance(s, str) and s for s in self.processes): raise TypeError("attributes: processes must be a list of string.")
[docs] def formatted_str(self): # type: ()->str """Return the formatted string. Returns ------- str Dumped data. """ lines = [ u"collider: {}-collider, ECM={}".format(self.collider, self.ecm), u"calculation order: {}".format(self.order), u"PDF: {}".format(self.pdf_name), "included processes:", ] # py2 for p in self.processes: lines.append(" " + p) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]class Table(BaseTable): """Table object with annotations.""" def __init__(self, obj=None, file=None, name=None): # type: (Any, Optional[File], Optional[str])->None if isinstance(obj, Table): assert file is None and name is None self._df = obj._df # type: pandas.DataFrame self.file = obj.file # type: Optional[File] = # type: Optional[str] elif isinstance(obj, BaseTable): self._df = obj._df # type: pandas.DataFrame if file and not isinstance(file, File): raise TypeError("Table.file must be File.") self.file = file or None = name or or None elif isinstance(obj, pandas.DataFrame): self._df = obj self.file = file = name elif obj: raise TypeError("Table.obj must be DataFrame.") else: self._df = pandas.DataFrame() self.file = file = name
[docs] def __str__(self): # type: ()->str """Dump the data-frame with information.""" return "\n\n".join( [super(Table, self).__str__(), self.attributes.formatted_str()] )
@property def unit(self): # type: ()->str """Return the unit of table values.""" if self.file and return else: raise RuntimeError("No information is given for this table.") @property def attributes(self): # type: ()->CrossSectionAttributes """Return the information associated to this table.""" if self.file and value_info = [v for v in if v.column ==] if not value_info: raise RuntimeError("Value-info lookup failed.") return CrossSectionAttributes(**value_info[0].attributes) else: raise RuntimeError("No information is given for this table.")
[docs]class File(BaseFile[Table]): """Data of a cross section with parameters, read from a table file. Contents are the same as superclass but each table is extended from `BaseTable` to `Table` class. Attributes ---------- table_path: pathlib.Path Path to the csv data file. info_path: pathlib.Path Path to the info file. raw_data: pandas.DataFrame the content of `!table_path`. info: FileInfo the content of `!info_path`. tables: dict(str, Table) The cross-section table parsed according to the annotation. """ def __init__(self, table_path, info_path=None): # type: (Union[PathLike, BaseFile[BaseTable], File], Optional[PathLike])->None if isinstance(table_path, File): assert info_path is None super(File, self).__init__(table_path) else: base = BaseFile(table_path, info_path) # note that BaseTable knows BaseFile, not File. # so here we tell them file=self. base.tables = {k: Table(v, file=self) for k, v in base.tables.items()} base = cast(BaseFile[Table], base) super(File, self).__init__(base)