Source code for susy_cross_section.interp.axes_wrapper

r"""Axis preprocessor for table interpolation.

This module provides a class `AxesWrapper` for advanced interpolation. Each
type of modifiers are provided as two functions: parameters-version and value-
version, or one for 'x' and the other for 'y'. The former always returns a
tuple of floats because there might be multiple parameters, while the latter
returns single float value.

Here we summarize interpolations with modified axes. In axis-modification
process, we modify the data points

.. math:: (x_{n1}, \dots, x_{nd}; y_n),

with :math:`d+1` functions :math:`w_1, \dots, w_d` and :math:`w_{\mathrm y}`

.. math:: X_{ni}=w_i(x_{ni}), \qquad Y_{n} = w_{\mathrm y}(y_n)

and derive the interpolation function :math:`\bar f` based on
:math:`({\boldsymbol X}_n; Y_n)`. Then, the interpolated result is given by

.. math::
    f({\boldsymbol x}) = w_{\mathrm y}^{-1}\Bigl(\bar f\bigl(w_1(x_1), \dots,

:Type Aliases:

    .. py:data:: VT
        :annotation: (= float)

        Type representing elements of data points.

    .. py:data:: FT
        :annotation: (= Callable[[VT], VT])

        Type for wrapper functions :m:`w`.

    .. py:data:: XT
        :annotation: (= List[VT])

        Type for parameters :m:`x`.

    .. py:data:: YT
        :annotation: (= VT)

        Type for the value :m:`y`.

.. role:: data_typ(typ)
   :reftype: data
.. |VT| replace:: :data_typ:`VT`
.. |FT| replace:: :data_typ:`FT`
.. |XT| replace:: :data_typ:`XT`
.. |YT| replace:: :data_typ:`YT`

import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Union, cast  # noqa: F401

import numpy

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:  # py2
    str = basestring  # noqa: A001, F821

VT = float
FT = Callable[[VT], VT]
XT = Sequence[VT]  # X-point is always a sequence, even if one-parameter.

def _is_number(obj):
    # type: (Any)->bool
    """Return whether obj is a number (int, float, dim-0 numpy array)."""
    if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
        return bool(obj.ndim == 0 and obj.dtype.kind in "fiub")
        return isinstance(obj, float) or isinstance(obj, int)

def _is_number_sequence(obj, length):
    # type: (Any, int)->bool
    """Return whether obj is a sequence of numbers with specified length."""
    if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
        return obj.shape == (length,) and obj.dtype.kind in "fiub"
        return len(obj) == length and all(_is_number(i) for i in obj)
    except TypeError:
        return False

[docs]class AxesWrapper: """Toolkit to modify the x- and y- axes before interpolation. In initialization, one can specify wrapper functions predefined, where one can omit :ar:`wy_inv` argument. The following functions are predefined. - "identity" (or "id", "linear") - "log10" (or "log") - "exp10" (or "exp") Attributes ---------- wx: *list of* |FT| Wrapper functions (or names) for parameters x. wy: |FT| Wrapper function for the value y. wy_inv: |FT| The inverse function of :attr:`wy`. """
[docs] @staticmethod def identity(x): # type: (VT)->VT """Identity function as a wrapper.""" return x
[docs] @staticmethod def log10(x): # type: (VT)->VT """Log function (base 10) as a wrapper. Note that this is equivalent to natural-log function as a wrapper. """ return cast(VT, numpy.log10(x))
[docs] @staticmethod def exp10(x): # type: (VT)->VT """Exp function (base 10) as a wrapper. Note that this is equivalent to natural-exp function as a wrapper. """ return 10 ** x
# we use base 10 because they are equivalent and easier to debug. # keys include aliases, and values are the name of staticmethods. _predefined_function_names = { "identity": "identity", "id": "identity", "linear": "identity", "log": "log10", "log10": "log10", "exp": "exp10", "exp10": "exp10", } # type: Mapping[str, str] _inverse_function_names = { "identity": "identity", "log10": "exp10", "exp10": "log10", } # type: Mapping[str, str] @classmethod def _get_function(cls, obj): # type: (Union[FT, str])->FT """Return wrapper function. The argument can be a function itself or a function name. The returned functions are dressed by `numpy.vectorize` so that it can be applied to numpy objects. """ if isinstance(obj, str): name = cls._predefined_function_names.get(obj) if not name: raise KeyError("Function %s is not predefined in AxesWrapper", obj) return cast(FT, numpy.vectorize(getattr(cls, name))) else: return cast(FT, numpy.vectorize(obj)) @classmethod def _get_inverse_function(cls, name): # type: (str)->FT """Return the inverse function with numpy-dress.""" name = cls._inverse_function_names[cls._predefined_function_names[name]] return cast(FT, numpy.vectorize(getattr(cls, name))) def __init__(self, wx, wy, wy_inv=None): # type: (Sequence[Union[FT, str]], Union[FT, str], Union[FT, str])->None self.wx = [self._get_function(i) for i in wx] # Type: List[FT] self.wy = self._get_function(wy) # type: FT if wy_inv: self.wy_inv = self._get_function(wy_inv) # type: FT elif isinstance(wy, str): self.wy_inv = self._get_inverse_function(wy) # guess wy_inv else: raise TypeError("wy_inv must be specified.")
[docs] def wrapped_x(self, xs): # type: (XT)->XT r"""Return the parameter values after axes modification. Arguments --------- xs: |XT| Parameters in the original axes Returns ------- XT Parameters in the wrapped axes. Note ---- The argument :ar:`xs` is :math:`(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_d)`, while the returned value is :math:`(X_1, \dots, X_d) = (w_1(x_1), \dots, w_d(x_d))`. """ return [w(x) for w, x in zip(self.wx, xs)]
[docs] def wrapped_f(self, f_bar, type_check=True): # type: (Callable[[XT], YT], bool)->Callable[[XT], YT] r"""Return interpolating function for original data. Return the interpolating function applicable to the original data set, given the interpolating function in the modified axes. Arguments --------- f_bar: function of |XT| to |YT| The interpolating function in the modified axes. type_check: bool To perform type-check or not. Returns ------- function of XT to YT The interpolating function in the original axes. Note ---- The argument :ar:`f_bar` is :math:`\bar f`, which is the interpolation function for :math:`({\boldsymbol X}_n; Y_n)`, and this method returns the function :math:`f`, which is .. math:: f({\boldsymbol x}) = w_{\mathrm y}^{-1}\bigl(\bar f({\boldsymbol X})\bigr), where :math:`\boldsymbol X` is given by applying :meth:`wrapped_x` to :math:`\boldsymbol x`. """ x_len = len(self.wx) if type_check else None def _f(x, _f_bar=f_bar, _len=x_len): # type: (XT, Callable[[XT], YT], Union[int, None])->YT if _len is not None and not _is_number_sequence(x, _len): raise TypeError("Invalid arguments for %d-dim fit: %s", _len, x) return self.wy_inv(_f_bar(self.wrapped_x(x))) return _f