Source code for

"""Classes to describe annotations of general-purpose tables.

This module provides annotation classes for CSV-like table data. The data is a
two-dimensional table and represents functions over a parameter space. Some
columns represent parameters and others do values. Each row represents a single
data point and corresponding value.

Two structural annotations and two semantic annotations are defined. `FileInfo`
and `ColumnInfo` are structural, which respectively annotate the whole file and
each columns. For semantics, `ParameterInfo` collects the information of
parameters, each of which is a column, and `ValueInfo` is for a value. A value
may be given by multiple columns if, for example, the value has uncertainties
or the value is given by the average of two columns.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function  # py2

import itertools
import json
import logging
import pathlib  # noqa: F401
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

from susy_cross_section.utility import TypeCheck as TC

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:  # py2
    str = basestring  # noqa: A001, F821
    JSONDecodeError = Exception
    JSONDecodeError = json.decoder.JSONDecodeError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

UncSpecType = Tuple[List[str], str]

[docs]class ColumnInfo(object): """Stores information of a column. Instead of the :typ:`int` identifier `!index`, we use `!name` as the principal identifier for readability. We also annotate a column by `!unit`, which is :typ:`str` that is passed to `Unit()`. Attributes ---------- index : int The zero-based index of column. The columns of a file should have valid `!index`, i.e., no overlap, no gap, and starting from zero. name : str The human-readable and machine-readable name of the column. As it is used as the identifier, it should be unique in one file. unit : str The unit of column, or empty string if the column has no unit. The default value is an empty str ``''``, which means the column has no unit. Internally this is passed to `Unit()`. Note ---- As for now, `!unit` is restricted as a str object, but in future a float should be allowed to describe "x1000" etc. """ def __init__(self, index, name, unit=""): # type: (int, str, str)->None self.index = index # type: int = name # type: str self.unit = unit or "" # type: str
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj): # type: (Any)->ColumnInfo """Initialize an instance from valid json data. Parameters ---------- json_obj: Any a valid json object. Returns ------- ColumnInfo Constructed instance. Raises ------ ValueError If :ar:`json_obj` has invalid data. """ try: obj = cls( index=json_obj["index"], name=json_obj["name"], unit=json_obj.get("unit", ""), ) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e: logger.critical("ColumnInfo.from_json caught an exception.", exc_info=e) raise ValueError("Invalid data passed to ColumnInfo.from_json: %s") except KeyError as e: logger.critical("ColumnInfo.from_json caught an exception.", exc_info=e) raise ValueError("ColumnInfo data missing: %s", e) for k in json_obj.keys(): if k not in ["index", "name", "unit"]: logger.warning("Unknown data for ColumnInfo.from_json: %s", k) obj.validate() return obj
[docs] def to_json(self): # type: ()->MutableMapping[str, Union[str, int]] """Serialize the object to a json data. Returns ------- dict(str, str or int) The json data describing the object. """ json_obj = { "index": self.index, "name":, } # type: MutableMapping[str, Union[str, int]] if self.unit: json_obj["unit"] = self.unit return json_obj
[docs] def validate(self): # type: ()->None """Validate the content. Raises ------ TypeError If any attributes are invalid type of instance. ValueError If any attributes have invalid content. """ if not isinstance(self.index, int): raise TypeError("ColumnInfo.index must be int: %s", self.index) if not self.index >= 0: raise ValueError("ColumnInfo.index must be non-negative: %s", self.index) if not isinstance(, str): raise TypeError("Col %d: `name` must be string: %s", self.index, if not raise ValueError("Column %d: `name` missing", self.index) if not isinstance(self.unit, str): raise TypeError("Col %d: `unit` must be string: %s", self.index, self.unit)
[docs]class ParameterInfo(object): """Stores information of a parameter. A parameter set defines a data point for the functions described by the file. A parameter set has one or more parameters, each of which corresponds to a column of the file. The `!column` attribute has :attr:`` of the column. Since the parameter value is read from an ASCII file, :typ:`float` values might have round-off errors, which might cause grid misalignments in grid- based interpolations. To have the same :typ:`float` expression on the numbers that should be on the same grid, `!granularity` should be provided. Attributes ---------- column: str Name of the column that stores this parameter. granularity: int or float, optional Assumed presicion of the parameter. This is used to round the parameter so that a data point should be exactly on the grid. Internally, a parameter is rounded to:: round(value / granularity) * granularity For example, for a grid ``[10, 20, 30, 50, 70]``, it should be set to 10 (or 5, 1, 0.1, etc.), while for ``[33.3, 50, 90]``, it should be 0.01. """ def __init__(self, column="", granularity=None): # type: (str, float)->None self.column = column # type: str self.granularity = granularity or None # type: Optional[float]
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj): # type: (Any)->ParameterInfo """Initialize an instance from valid json data. Parameters ---------- json_obj: Any a valid json object. Returns ------- ParameterInfo Constructed instance. Raises ------ ValueError If :ar:`json_obj` has invalid data. """ try: obj = cls( column=json_obj["column"], granularity=json_obj.get("granularity") ) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e: logger.critical("ParameterInfo.from_json caught an exception.", exc_info=e) raise ValueError("Invalid data passed to ParameterInfo.from_json: %s") except KeyError as e: logger.critical("ParameterInfo.from_json caught an exception.", exc_info=e) raise ValueError("ColumnInfo data missing: %s", e) for k in json_obj.keys(): if k not in ["column", "granularity"]: logger.warning("Unknown data for ParameterInfo.from_json: %s", k) obj.validate() return obj
[docs] def to_json(self): # type: ()->MutableMapping[str, Union[str, float]] """Serialize the object to a json data. Returns ------- dict(str, str or float) The json data describing the object. """ json_obj = {"column": self.column} # type: Dict[str, Union[str, float]] if self.granularity: json_obj["granularity"] = self.granularity return json_obj
[docs] def validate(self): # type: ()->None """Validate the content. Raises ------ TypeError If any attributes are invalid type of instance. ValueError If any attributes have invalid content. """ assert isinstance(self.column, str), "ParameterInfo.column must be string." assert self.column, "ParameterInfo.column is missing" if self.granularity is not None: assert hasattr(self.granularity, "__float__"), "Granularity not a number." assert float(self.granularity) > 0, "Negative granularity."
[docs]class ValueInfo(object): """Stores information of value accompanied by uncertainties. A value is generally composed from several columns. In current implementation, the central value must be given by one column, whose name is specified by :attr:`column`. The positive- and negative-direction uncertainties are specified by `!unc_p` and `!unc_m`, respectively, which are :typ:`dict(str, str)`. Attributes ---------- column: str or List[str] Names of the column that stores this value. The string, or each element of the list, must match one of the :attr:`` in the file. If multiple columns are specified, the largest value among the columns (compared in each row) is used. attributes: dict (str, Any) Physical information annotated to this value. unc_p : dict (str, str) The sources of "plus" uncertainties. Multiple uncertainty sources can be specified. Each key corresponds :attr:`` of the source column, and each value denotes the "type" of the source. Currently, two types are implementend: - ``"relative"`` for relative uncertainty, where the unit of the column must be dimension-less. - ``"absolute"`` for absolute uncertainty, where the unit of the column must be the same as that of the value column up to a factor. - ``"absolute,signed"`` or ``"relative,signed"`` for absolute/relative uncertainty but using the columns with correct sign. unc_m : dict(str, str) The sources of "minus" uncertainties. Details are the same as `!unc_p`. """ _valid_uncertainty_types = [ "relative", "absolute", "signed,relative", "signed,absolute", "relative,signed", "absolute,signed", ] # type: List[str] def __init__( self, column="", # type: str attributes=None, # type:MutableMapping[str, Any] unc_p=None, # type: List[UncSpecType] unc_m=None, # type: List[UncSpecType] ): # type: (...)->None self.column = column self.attributes = attributes or {} self.unc_p = unc_p or [] self.unc_m = unc_m or []
[docs] def validate(self): # type: ()->None """Validate the content.""" assert isinstance(self.column, str), "ValueInfo.column must be string." assert self.column, "ValueInfo.column is missing." assert TC.is_dict(self.attributes, key_type=str), "attributes not dict[str]." for col, t in itertools.chain(self.unc_p, self.unc_m): assert TC.is_list(col, element_type=str) assert t in self._valid_uncertainty_types, "invalid unc type: %s" % t
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_obj): # type: (Any)->ValueInfo """Initialize an instance from valid json data. Parameters ---------- json_obj: typing.Any a valid json object. Returns ------- ValueInfo Constructed instance. Raises ------ ValueError If :ar:`json_obj` has invalid data. """ if not TC.is_dict(json_obj): raise TypeError('Entry of "values" must be a dict: %s', json_obj) if "column" not in json_obj: raise KeyError('Entry of "values" must have a key "column": %s', json_obj) obj = cls() obj.column = json_obj["column"] obj.attributes = json_obj.get("attributes", {}) if ("unc" in json_obj) and ("unc+" in json_obj or "unc-" in json_obj): raise ValueError("Uncertainty duplicates: %s", obj.column) for attr_name, key_name in [("unc_p", "unc+"), ("unc_m", "unc-")]: unc_def = json_obj.get(key_name) or json_obj.get("unc") or None if unc_def is None: logger.warning("Uncertainty (%s) missing for %s.", key_name, obj.column) continue assert TC.is_list(unc_def, Mapping), "bad %s/%s" % (key_name, obj.column) try: unc_list = [ ( src["column"] if TC.is_list(src["column"]) else [src["column"]], src["type"], ) for src in unc_def ] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError("%s missing in %s (%s)", key_name, obj.column, *e.args) setattr(obj, attr_name, unc_list) if not (obj.unc_p and obj.unc_m): logger.warning("Value %s lacks uncertainties.", obj.column) return obj
[docs] def to_json(self): # type: ()->MutableMapping[str, Any] """Serialize the object to a json data. Returns ------- dict(str, str or float) The json data describing the object. """ return { "column": self.column, "attributes": self.attributes, "unc+": [{"column": c, "type": t} for c, t in self.unc_p], "unc-": [{"column": c, "type": t} for c, t in self.unc_m], }
[docs]class FileInfo(object): """Stores file-wide annotations. A table structure is given by `!columns`, while in semantics a table consists of `!parameters` and `!values`. The information about them is stored as lists of `ColumnInfo`, `ParameterInfo`, and `ValueInfo` objects. In addition, `!reader_options` can be specified, which is directly passed to :func:`pandas.read_csv`. The attribute `!document` is provided just for documentation. The information is guaranteed not to modify any functionality of codes or packages, and thus can be anything. Developers must not use `!document` information except for displaying them. If one needs to interpret some information, one should extend this class to provide other data-storage for such information. Attributes ---------- document : dict(Any, Any) Any information for documentation without physical meanings. columns : list of ColumnInfo The list of columns. parameters: list of ParameterInfo The list of parameters to define a data point. values: list of ValueInfo The list of values described in the file. reader_options: dict(str, Any) Options to read the CSV The values are directly passed to :func:`pandas.read_csv` as keyword arguments, so all the options of :func:`pandas.read_csv` are available. """ def __init__( self, document=None, # type: Mapping[Any, Any] columns=None, # type: List[ColumnInfo] parameters=None, # type: List[ParameterInfo] values=None, # type: List[ValueInfo] reader_options=None, # type: Mapping[str, Any] ): # type: (...)->None self.document = document or {} self.columns = columns or [] self.parameters = parameters or [] self.values = values or [] self.reader_options = reader_options or {}
[docs] def validate(self): # type: ()->None """Validate the content.""" assert TC.is_dict(self.document), "document must be a dict." for name in ["columns", "parameters", "values"]: assert TC.is_list(getattr(self, name)), "FileInfo.%s must be a list" % name for obj in getattr(self, name): obj.validate() assert TC.is_dict( self.reader_options, key_type=str ), "reader_options must be a dict(str, Any)." # validate columns (`index` matches actual index, names are unique) names_dict = {} # type: MutableMapping[str, bool] for i, col in enumerate(self.columns): assert col.index == i, "Mismatched column index: %d/%d" % (i, col.index) assert not in names_dict, "Duplicated column name: " + names_dict[] = True # validate params and values for p in self.parameters: assert p.column in names_dict, "Unknown column name: %s" % p.column for v in self.values: assert v.column in names_dict, "Unknown column name: %s" % v.column for col_list, _ in itertools.chain(v.unc_p, v.unc_m): for c in col_list: assert c in names_dict, "Unknown column name: %s" % c
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, source): # type: (Union[pathlib.Path, str])->FileInfo """Load and construct FileInfo from a json file. Parameters ---------- source: pathlib.Path or str Path to the json file. Returns ------- FileInfo Constructed instance. """ obj = cls() with open(source.__str__()) as f: # py2 obj._load(**(json.load(f))) obj.validate() return obj
def _load(self, **kw): # type: (Any)->None """Load and construct FileInfo from keyword arguments. Note that file-level "attributes" are passed to each `ValueInfo` object as the default values and overwritten by value-level "attributes". """ self.document = kw.get("document") or {} self.reader_options = kw.get("reader_options") or {} self.columns = [ ColumnInfo(index=i, name=c.get("name"), unit=c.get("unit")) for i, c in enumerate(kw.get("columns") or []) ] self.parameters = [ ParameterInfo.from_json(p) for p in kw.get("parameters") or [] ] self.values = [ValueInfo.from_json(p) for p in kw.get("values") or []] # re-set values.attributes using the default attributes. default_attributes = kw.get("attributes") or {} for v in self.values: # py2 orig = v.attributes v.attributes = default_attributes.copy() v.attributes.update(orig) # emit warnings if not self.document: logger.warning("No document is given.") for key in kw: if key not in [ "document", "columns", "parameters", "values", "reader_options", "attributes", ]: logger.warning('Unrecognized attribute "%s"', key)
[docs] def get_column(self, name): # type: (str)->ColumnInfo """Return a column with specified name. Return `ColumnInfo` of a column with name :ar:`name`. Arguments --------- name The name of column to get. Returns ------- ColumnInfo The column with name :ar:`name`. Raises ------ KeyError If no column is found. """ for c in self.columns: if == name: return c raise KeyError(name)
[docs] def formatted_str(self): # type: ()->str """Return the formatted string. Returns ------- str Dumped data. """ results = ["[Document]"] for k, v in self.document.items(): results.append(u" {}: {}".format(k, v)) # py2 return "\n".join(results)